The COSMIC Mission from Astroscale: A Sustainable Space Transportation Option

Before launching its first UK mission, COSMIC—Clearing the Space Mission by Innovative Capture—Astroscale UK, a division of Tokyo-based orbital junk clearance business Astroscale Holdings Inc., recently accomplished a significant milestone.

The amount of technological debris floating about in space is a growing source of concern as it has been used more and more in contemporary science. The long-term sustainability of space activities is extremely important when taking into account space debris.

Spaceships and space infrastructure are at a high danger of colliding with the growing volume of space junk. We can safeguard these important space assets, guaranteeing that their employment in contemporary life applications—from navigation and communication to observing the earth and research—may proceed uninterrupted. Specifically, we can safeguard satellites from collisions with space junk.

By removing debris from space, we can prevent the hypothetical Kessler Syndrome, in which the density of space junk encircling the Earth becomes so great that satellite use is no longer feasible owing to collisions.

The COSMIC mission seeks to develop long-term strategies for locating and minimizing this junk in order to safeguard upcoming space initiatives. The mission represents an important advancement for the UK government’s goal of leading international efforts to clean up space.
A critical step in every project’s development is the System Requirement Review (SRR), a technical review. This standard was created to evaluate the project’s functional, efficiency, technical, and security needs.

The SRR specifically examined the mission’s technical specifications, automation designs, and detumbling technique in this case.

The SRR for Astroscale’s Active Debris Removing (ADR) mission, COSMIC, was successfully finished, which represents a critical step toward realization. This achievement highlights the efficient cooperation among Astroscale & the UK Space Agency during this stage of the project and marks a significant milestone.

Astroscale has advanced its goal of establishing secure and environmentally friendly space operations so that generations to come can continue to profit from satellite exploration and study by successfully finishing the SSR. Astroscale has worked closely with industrial partners and the UK supply chain, which has helped the business position itself for furthering the development of its commercial in-orbit services.