International Abundance Hypnotherapist Anastasia Gerali shares the formula to having it all.

From zero to six-figures through the power of manifesting. International Abundance Hypnotherapist Anastasia Gerali shares the formula to having it all

International Women’s Abundance Coach launches a program aimed at female entrepreneurs ready to design a life of having it all

Clinical Hypnotherapist and Rapid Abundance Activator, Anastasia Gerali is a woman on a mission to raise the Wealth Consciousness of female heart-centred entrepreneurs, healers and coaches around the world.

‘The reason I want to support of female heart-centred entrepreneurs, healers and coaches and help them raise themselves to the next income bracket, and beyond, is because I know it has a ripple effect into the lives of others, and future generations too. It’s been proven that wealthy women contribute to their communities and causes they believe in. These are the women who are committed to changing the world, but the change has to begin with the individual.’

The reason empaths, creatives, healers and soul-led entrepreneurs will struggle financially is not because what they have to offer isn’t needed or of high value. It’s not even that they don’t have the business-savvy strategy to help them reach the scale they desire – it has everything to do with their Wealth Consciousness and their financial thermometer.

Most money education will focus on Money IQ – the knowledge of how money works, investments, management, etc. Money EQ is a reflection of your personal beliefs, thoughts, and emotions about money. Whether we realize it or not, your subconscious mind sometimes takes the wheel over your financial decisions. Lacking Money EQ prevents you from realizing this problem and you struggle to reach your full potential.

Anastasia’s mission is to raise the Wealth Consciousness by healing all money stories which keep heart-led entrepreneurs in the martyr role, helping them step into leadership and become authorities in their niche, while reprogramming themselves to thrive both personally and professionally. This is all achieved through taking responsibility to heal, release and reprogram all the beliefs and habits which keep one from self-actualizing into their limitless most impactful version of themselves.

‘The bigger the impact, the bigger the income. Money is just a beautiful by-product of a job well done. When you are called to contribute, to help others and to create a positive change through the work you do, then it’s your duty to ensure that you serve others from an ascended space and have dealt with your roadblocks. Otherwise, your own subconscious commitment to scarcity and lack will keep you from creating the impact you are capable of!’

Anastasia Gerali’s ‘Midas Manifesting Mastery: You Can Have It All’ is aimed at helping soul-led entrepreneurs, healers and creatives to heal, release and reprogram themselves to thrive, so they can deliver their best selves to the world and create the impact they are capable of. Anastasia went from zero to $150,000 within six months, when she launched her healing and therapy practice in 2020, by serving others and doing what sets her soul on fire.

‘Abundance is your birthright, but it’s also a choice. If you are subconsciously making choices that are keeping you small or stuck, it’s time to update and upgrade your Money EQ so that your subconscious can support your heart’s desire to grow and share from overflow,’ says Anastasia.

What clients are saying:
‘You’ve helped me change my life beyond measure and grab those juicy apples!’ says client Caroline Partridge, Actress and Communication Coach, who received a £10,000 grant towards a decade-long dream to write and produce her own one woman show and podcast on Perception.

‘Things are happening so quickly for me, I can’t believe how long I was holding myself back!’ says client Sonya Brady, single mom of four, entrepreneur and Sacred Birth Keeper Dula, who launched her juicing business and had 7 stockists within 3 months, as well as having received a $20,000 payout from an accident years earlier.

Company info: Anastasia Gerali International Ltd was founded March 2020 by Anastasia Gerali. Bringing a fully integrated and powerful multi-dimensional holistic approach and trauma-informed therapy to actualizing abundance in all areas for women around the world.

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