Meet Dj Anela and about her success stories and her achivement

My name is Antonella Anela Federico I was born in Belgium and my stage name is Anela Dj I am a dj and producer … I live in Tuscany where I am a mom and wife and now a full time dj
Of my profession I can say that it is comparable to art because what I do is to convey through my music, then my mood at that particular moment. Consequently it can be a resounding day because I am happy and therefore my choice of music will convey cheerfulness, joy or a gray, gloomy day because maybe I am not happy and therefore my choice of music will appear colder … in short Art and music are based on feelings … consequently it conveys the feelings that of year on that particular day
On my success I can say that I had a period of preparation, where I tried to figure out what was my favorite genre of music, what strand of techno I liked in short I said get to know myself on this front ! Once I understood everything I left and of in 2018 I did a few dates but important , in big clubs where I doubled, tripled the people who came to listen to me !!! In the pandemic period I worked a lot on the music production level …

I can say that for me music came to me like L’ love !!! Or rather it overwhelmed me suddenly, it was love at first sight !!! Let me preface this by saying that at the very young age of 19 I became a mother and wife at the age of 20 my second child was born … consequently I did not frequent clubs … how many are my daughters now grown up by chance in Christmas 2027 I entered a disco where techno music was played, there as soon as I entered it was love at first sight, I knew immediately that that would be my life !!!! And so it was!!!

In the immediate I want to get my music heard by as many people as possible … in the long term I have plans like making a track with a London violist … in short music production projects

I have a dream to realize I hint you something na I can not reveal it … I plan to create a track coupled with an immense musician and until I can !!! I will not stop !!!

Of my family I tell you that it is the most important part of my career because without their support help strength and courage that they give me every day I would not really be able to do and achieve all that is happening to me !
I conclude by saying that I hope to convey my feelings, vibrations and emotions to as many people as possible with my music
I can tell everyone that music has changed me personally that it has made me grow to understand so many things about life is about myself !!!

Antonella Anela Federico

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