Des Amey, turning setbacks into rocket fuel

Des Amey is the Managing Director at Amey Finance Academy, where he works with members to help them create multiple streams of income. Des has been able to impact the lives of over 2,000 people by offering a plethora of ways in which they can create these multiple streams. There is a property academy which sells properties under market value helping individuals get on the property ladder, a Trading academy teaching members how they can earn from the largest financial market in the world, E-Commerce platform which teaches you how to create a successful online business which can bring you in some considerable income and last but not least the Entrepreneurship program where Des has been able to coach and mentor people to earning 6 figure salaries.

In 2 years of creating Amey Finance Academy Des has achieved extraordinary results and is now earning over 25k per month placing him in the top 5% of income earners in the UK. Des has worked incredibly hard and been extremely dedicated to empowering others; being a servant leader, he is a visionary being a pioneer of change and leading with integrity and professionalism. His motto has always been “Impact over income” and he has a team who adore him and appreciate him for all his efforts to ensure they “reach the top as the bottom is way too crowded!”

“I am now earning £24k a year thanks to the company. I have more free time and decide when I work. I never understood the importance of a mentor until I met Des, he dedicates time and effort to the growth of every individual in the company. He leads by example, always makes time and shares all his knowledge to help you achieve your goals.”

Jade Terry, Mentee and Member of Amey Finance Academy

“Des has been an absolute inspiration to me, I see him as a big brother and a good friend. Seeing the heights that he goes to pushes me and the team to go even harder to achieve our goals. I Joined the academy because I saw how much he believed in it. I am so grateful that he invests his time, his resources to me, my team and the whole academy. I am now earning 24 year residually each year which is a massive financial cushion that me and my family are so thankful for.”

Philip Poku – Team Leader and member of Amey Finance Academy
Desmond Amey- The man with THE vision!

The exact vision that changed our families lives and has allowed us to impact over 2,000 families worldwide. A true inspiration. Teacher to entrepreneur. Your wisdom, guidance, mentorship and caring nature has truly impacted my life! Our friendship has blossomed and so has our bank accounts. You taught me to dream & believe again, and now I am living those very dreams! Thank you for being a blessing! I am now earning 60k residually each year and it is only going to increase. I love this academy!
Briony Bender – Director and member of Amey Finance Academy

Prior to starting Amey Finance Academy, Des was an Assistant Head Teacher at George Green Secondary School. While there, he achieved was a Head of Year to a group of individuals that had the lowest rating in the district, by the time Des as finished with them they were performing top of the district and had their confidence restored from where they were told that they would amount to anything. This was achieved because Des was able to help them believe, he supported them, driving change for his students. This seems to be a pattern wherever Des goes, he is able to produce results and empowers the people that he works with and gets excellent results.

A graduate from University of Greenwich Des holds a PGCE in teaching and a MA in Educational Leadership. When not hard at work leading and impacting others, he enjoys

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