Ken Miller: From Immigrant to Entrepreneur, A Legacy of Drive and Excellence

Ken Miller’s story today proves to the glaring world that determination and resilience shall never die. Born in Jamaica, Ken emigrated to the US at fifteen. A purposeful journey of unrelenting desire, peculiar for a man of color in America. A record of fast-track academic pursuit and sporting activities established a basis for Ken into one of his bright future aspects. A student-athlete, Ken went on to run track at Syracuse University, demonstrating the same drive he would carry throughout his career.
After graduating from Syracuse, Ken served the United States Army for eight years, gaining priceless leadership experience in several combat units. His deployments to Haiti, Iraq, and Bosnia formed his experiences in high-stress environments, operational capacity, and an understanding of teamwork and discipline.
Whenever Ken left the military for the world of commerce, he carried those experiences into diplomacy and logistics. Prior to starting Saint Elizabeth Capital, Ken held the position of Vice President of the Intermodal Division at JB Hunt Transport. He headed the, by far, the largest region in the company, supervising all things operational, sales, intermodality, customer relationships, safety, and budgeting.
Ken is proud to have created ABC Imports, a Minority & Veteran-owned company based in the USA, with rights to distribute Glengarry Scotch in several states. His extraordinary practice, though highly diverse, continues to reflect in that he is one who inspires changed circumstances through excellence in pragmatic leadership.
The story of Ken is inspiring in its demonstration of unfaltering determination in moving from an immigrant with a dream to a business leader and entrepreneur. His work exemplifies the strength of diversity and shows how challenges may be transformed into opportunities.